Abdominal Surgeon Questions Abdominal Surgeon

Stomach or abdomen pain after douching?

I have been trying douching for a while and done it a couple of times but 2 days ago I did it and now have slight discomfort/pain. I used a shower hose and am wondering if it's an infection. What's wrong and what should I do? I read that you should take probiotics.

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 2

1 Answer

Always get agdominal pain checked out with your doctor, especially after doing something like douching. I generally do NOT recommend any type of douche; realize that water is a pH of 7.0 vs the normal pH of the vagina which is 5.5 or more acid; so you are disturbing your vaginal bacterial mix every time that you douche; that is likely to cause an imbalance or possible infection every time that you change your vaginal pH.
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