Gastroenterologist Questions

Stomach pai

I Ben having pain in my lower right abdominal for over 5 years every day it hurt some days more then others ihad a gi bleed 2 years ago they said it was a bleeding ulcer I was taking heart meds that made my stomach worse so I stopped taking them now a couple days ago the pain wasn't going away same spot my right lower abdominal it just staying it comesinwaves it so bad I finally could eat after two days.its a burning and a stabbing pain iwanted to know if you can suggest what I can do and it making weak I can't stand to long or climb steps

Male | 52 years old
Complaint duration: 5 years
Medications: None
Conditions: Bleeding ulcer

1 Answer

Hard for me to guess what the pain could be from. You need someone to take a proper history and examine you. It could be from the colon, possibly from diverticulitis or complication thereof. It could also be an inguinal hernia. I need to know when you last had a colonoscopy. It would be best to see a gastroenterologist to get a proper evaluation. The pain you have is not from a stomach ulcer.