Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Stomach pain?

I am a 23 years old female, yesterday I met a friend who has H. pylori. She went through treatment three years ago but she didn't finish the treatment. Yesterday we shared food and I am suspicious if I was contaminated. Today I feel some kind of heat in my upper stomach. When should I take the H. pylori test? After how many days?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days

4 Answers

You would not feel symptoms after only a few day, and it is not transmitted simply by sharing food once. You wouldn't test for it unless you have active symptoms that have not been explained by more common causes
You likely were not infected with H. pylori just by sharing food with someone who didn't complete treatment. Most H. pylori "infections" in the beginning do not cause significant symptoms.
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I think you have a case of cause and diagnosis based on somebody else’s ailment. You probably had something that did not settle well with you and as propagated and continued because you’re concerned because your friend told you about H pie Laurie. H pie Laurie is essentially in nearly every single body on every planet of the human race, it’s a problem when we have gastric ulcer disease, peptic alters Aziz, gastritis, or any type of inflammatory disease of our gastric lining. So we treat it with triple therapy regardless. Prevention is preferred to a cure if you cannot do any good do no harm. That’s what the Hippocratic oath says and what we all do as providers.

You should speak with your primary care physician to see about the risk factors and if getting a test is valid and covered by your insurance. You can also ask your provider should I just take treatment to prevent the possibility of…? Those are all valid, and there are also reasonable questions to ask of your provider. I hope I was able to answer your question and if you have any further questions about it, please feel free to ask me. I wish you well.

Be well, Brent Reinheimer, MD
H pylori should be detectable early on after infection, so you can do a breath test or stool antigen test any time, as long as you are not taking any antiacid pills for 2 weeks.