Doctor Questions Doctor

Stomach pressure?

I got a type of attack like 4 times now couldn't pee much for a few hours uncomfortable stomach pressure on right side. It goes away after a few hours.

Male | 37 years old
Complaint duration: A year at least
Medications: No
Conditions: No

2 Answers

Your symptoms need investigation; best by a urologist, but you might need CT scan of your kidneys and urinary tract by CT Renal stone protocol, and if negative, you might need cystoscopy. Could you have a stone? bladder obstruction, UTI. So some investigation is needed. If that shows nothing, you might have a GI problem that needs investigation.
Sounds like you are passing a kidney stone. If the pain gets unbearable, he will have to go to a local ER. I recommend drinking a lot of water to continue peeing out the stone.

Namrata Sharma Goel, M.D.