Cardiologist Questions Shivering hands

Sudden Shivering

Doctor, suddenly in the last hour I started to shiver uncontrollably. I don't feel feverish or running a temperature. The shivering is mainly in the trunk of my body though I have goose pimple feelings in my legs.

I am 70 and had a heart attack about 15 months ago, had a stent put into anterior artery and recovered quickly...I was out walking in town within 4 days. I have been on medication and about a month ago the doctor reduced the strength of some of them and cut out Ticagrelor completely. I am worried...but this is not the cause of the shivering.

Male | 70 years old

2 Answers

Shivering as a presenting neurologic symptom is quite rare. Usually if means you have an infection, or other inflammation in your body somewhere. Often just a virus. If it persists, see your family physician. He knows you better and what weight to place on relative risk factors. Shivering with Ticagralor is quite rare & usually occurs early on.
Echocardiogram and blood work.