“Swelling in knee areas?”
Female | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 5 plus years
Medications: thyroid med and celexa for anxiety
Conditions: thyroid and anxiety
5 Answers
Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD
I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue. Without seeing diagnostic studies, it's hard to say whether or not you should stop working. I would recommend staying off of your feet as much as possible in order to reduce the swelling of the knees. The swelling is a sign that something in your knees isn't quite right structurally or you keep repeating the same motions which exacerbate the problem. In order to further assess, I'd need to see you in person and get to know more about the history of pre- and post-surgery rehab done, what the other doctors found, and all of the diagnostic studies available such as radiographs and MRI studies. This will help me triangulate the issue and come up with a treatment plan of action. In order to reduce swelling in the interim, I'd recommend using ice to reduce inflammation, for about 5-10min. as you elevate your feet.
I hope you feel better soon.
Dr. Morales, D.C.
Yours in health,
Doc J
It sounds to me that you should focus on modification of activity rather than restricting them. For example, non impact exercise like bike and elliptical or walking. You should have the knees reevaluated as well to discover the muscle imbalances that there are. More than likely the swelling is in the soft tissue around the knees and they should be evaluated to help decrease the swelling.
Vishal K. Verma, DC CCSP