Nurse Practitioner Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Swollen lymph node or thyroid on neck?

I noticed a swollen bump on my throat today. I don't know if it's a lymph node or thyroid. I am not sure if I need to see my doctor about it or just wait and watch it. I have a slight runny nose but no other symptoms. My mother was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last year.

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: Sertaline
Conditions: Anxiety

1 Answer

Yes, this could be a swollen lymph node due to sore throat that you mentioned. If the swelling is midline of the neck, it’s likely to be related thyroid. As you have a family history of thyroid CA, it’s better to see a doctor and get checked up.