Dermatologist Questions

Taking minoxdil again

I am 25 year old , i am facing male pattern baldness issue,last year i started using minoxidil 5 percent without consulting doctor,the spray was doing well then after a month i used derma roller on my scalp and the next day i felt so much dizziness,it became worse ,even i stopped applying the spray but the dizziness wasn't going,i developed severe anxiety.
Now it's been a year and i am not facing any issue should i start applying it again without using derma roller?

Male | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: Minoxidil
Conditions: Dizziness

1 Answer

Minoxidil may cause dizziness and a fast heart rate. I like proscar in a pill for as it is cheaper. I would not restart the minoxidil Furthermore, dizziness can be caused by many many things, so I would consult with your doctor if you are still having problems kw