Urologist Questions Urologist

Testicular discomfort for 5 days?

My question is, should I meet with a urologist to get to the bottom of why my left testicle has been in this much discomfort for this long? It started November 6th and it is now the 11th and my left testicle still feels sore. It does not hurt to pee, sit or masturbate (tried once this week to see if there was blood, no blood, and no pain).

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 5 Days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

2 Answers


You can have orchitis or epididymoorchitis. Needs to follow up with your doctor.
I would recommend that you move along promptly and get an appointment to see your primary care physician or a local urologist - if you can’t do that and the pain gets worse, you need to present to emergency room or urgent care center.