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This question is about my mom?

My mom has never been diagnosed with diabetes. About 7 years ago she went to sleep and when her boyfriend went to wake her the next day she wouldn't wake up. When she went to the hospital her blood sugar was below 20 and she was in a coma on life support. I took her off life support a few days later being told that she would pass. Everything stabled out when she was taken off but she wouldn't speak and would just stare. I was told that there was too much brain damage and that she was a vegetable. Within the next few months, she would say limited things as to hey, good morning and yes or no. Then she started having seizures and it's like she relapsed back to where she was. Now she just hollers and moves around a lot in bed. My question is what would make her blood sugar drop like that? Is there anything that can be done to fix my mom or to reverse the damage that was done or anyone that can tell me what's going on with my mom?

Female | 51 years old
Complaint duration: 7 years
Conditions: Brian damage

1 Answer

Dear patient's son,

This is very difficult situation and I empathize with Mom and you. Non-diabetic hypoglycemia can occur in several conditions: Pituitary and Adrenal gland disease, pancreatic tumors, and post eating when the pancreas overreacts to sugar stimulus. It can also occur in alcoholism and malnutrition.
I am unable to answer your questions as I do not know the full clinical picture. The prognosis is unfortunately grim. She is probably receiving supportive nutritional therapy as well as anti seizure meds. You should address questions to her physicians.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE