Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Thyroid T3 and T4?

My wife is 46, about 200lbs, and has had an up and down thyroid for years. She just had a kidney stone removed two weeks ago (size 9), the stint was removed today. In the last eight weeks before removal, she received oxycodone twice in twenty-four hours at the emergency room and four weeks after that a morphine injection. Six days ago her blood work showed HI T3 and T4 with her thyroid, our doctor believes it could be from the stress caused by the pain and pressure, as well as an issue with an ill family member. I just need to hear a second opinion. I trust our doctor, but I value my wife's health more.

Female | 56 years old
Complaint duration: 0/3/0
Medications: Synthroid 0.075,synjardy12.5mg/1000mg,Empagliflozin 10mg,Pantoprazole40mg,mutivitamin,vitamin C,D,omega 3 fish iol
Conditions: thyroid, gourd, low vitamin d

2 Answers

She needs to discontinue Pantoprazole and consult Functional Medicine and Obesity Medicine to assist in weight loss and diet to minimize GERD. Start Berberine 1,200 mg daily, brand Nuzena. Juicing: carrot/beet/ginger 1 glass daily. She should also consider a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Liquid iodine from Lifeflo daily and Selenium 400 mcg daily, NOW brand for thyroid optimization. Vitamin d3 10,000 IU daily softgel, NOW brand. Magnesium Citrate 400-800 mg softgel daily, NOW brand. She needs to repeat Thyroid panel when her inflammatory response is resolved, about 6-8 weeks.
Repeat tests in a few weeks. That will give you an answer.
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