Internist Questions Internist

Thyroid issue?

My daughter is 29 years old and she has an issue with her thyroid. Her lab tests show a TSH value of 0.00405 ulU/ml and Erythrocytes of 5.41, Mean Corpuscular volume 75.9, Red Cell Width 10.6, Lymphocytes 41, Basophils 1.0, Anti TSH Receptor 6.95. Her doctor asked her either to take Iodine or to go under surgery to remove her gland. What is your advice?

Female | 29 years old

2 Answers

A TSH that low with an elevated uptake scan suggests hyperthyroidism. Treatments include radioactive iodine and surgery to definitively treat the disease as well as medical management with anti-thyroid medications.
See an endocrinologist for a second opinion.

William Z. Cohen, M.D., FAAFP