“Thyroid ultrasound or second opinion?”
Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: One month
Medications: Birth control
Conditions: None
4 Answers
A blood test for ESR/CRP?
Anyhow, epidermoid cyst are very common, and should be surgically removed, just for cosmetic point of view.
Options for you:
1. Get the ultrasound -> shop around and call for rates. Different centers do charge different amounts. Try to negotiate. See if paying upfront for the study is cheaper than what your deductible might be.
There aren't going to be cheaper imaging modalities - CT and MRI - are FAR more expensive.
2. Get a second opinion - if you do, see an ENT physician - particularly one who specializes in head and neck cancer. I'm not implying that's what you have, but this surgeon is the type who deal with the neck and neck mass (if there even is one) daily.
Best of luck!