Dentist Questions

Tongue cancer

I am wondering if you could tell me if you think this looks like tongue cancer. I don't want to start being dramatic but I am a little concerned as it isn't going. I have these white patches on both sides of my tongue. I first noticed them after my tongue had been a little irritated at the side.
They appear whitish/ yellow in color and they do peel.

Female | 21 years old
Medications: Pill ( rigevidon)

4 Answers

Your definite answer could only be answered by a dentist, oral pathologist or an oral surgeon. So I suggest you see one of these professionals immediately for an evaluation.
You need to see Oral Surgery Clinic to take Biobsy to figure out ?
Those white patches should be examined by a professional. Do you accidently chew the side of your tongue or grind at night time?
My advice is to see a dentist. Cancer is diagnosed with a biopsy and histological evaluation. What this means is after examining your tongue areas a sample of the affected tissue area is removed and sent to a laboratory for microscopic examination. Please see a dentist for your condition. God bless