Addiction Medicine Specialist | Addiction Medicine Questions

Transitioning from fentanyl to methadone to Suboxone

So I'm currently pregnant and addicted to fentanyl would it be safe to transition from using fentanyl to taking methadone for 3 or 4 days then switch to the white Suboxone without the naloxone in it?

Female | 25 years old

1 Answer

Methadone is much safer than fentanyl and there is no issue at all with making that change.
Frankly, I would not recommend initiating buprenorphine at this time. The risk of precipitating withdrawl while you are pregnant is very high and risks miscarriage or premature labor, depending on how far along you are.
You really should be stable on the methadone before you consider switching and at that, I would recommend waiting until after delivery to do so.