Urologist Questions Urologist

UTI and Levofloxacin?

My mother is 77 years old and has a UTI. The UTI was noticed because it caused behavior changes before she was diagnosed. She is allergic to penicillin and codeine. She can’t take Keflex. The hospital prescribed Levofloxacin/Levaquin. She also has diabetes. I went online and see this drug is tied to aortic aneurism and should not be taken by the elderly. She is on the 4th day of 10 day prescription. I am thinking of telling her to stop taking it because I am concerned about everything I have read about side effects. Particularly the aortic aneurism. Should I call her PCP to get a different prescription for her? I am concerned this would be prescribed for someone her age and with diabetes. I am concerned about aortic rupture and don’t think she should continue this. Is there another antibiotic for UTI that isn’t as dangerous?

Female | 77 years old
Complaint duration: 1 week
Medications: Insulin
Conditions: Diabetes

2 Answers

Levaquin is a preferred medication of choice especially for your mother‘s condition as described. If you read the back of an aspirin bottle you’ll be deathly afraid to touch one. Because it’s listed as a potential side effect doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to occur. I have to list them all it’s part of the law. A QT prolongation on an EKG with an abnormal rhythm is something that I would say I would be concerned about if such as the case, if not then there’s nothing to consider a worry. Continue with the course of antibiotics as prescribed and everything will be fine. I appreciate your question and concern. And there is never a problem, question or concern to ask your PCP.

Be well
Brent Reinheimer, MD
Yes, I suggest that you discuss the antibiotic choice with your mother’s PCP, if you have concerns. Antibiotic choice is based not only on the patient’s allergies, but also what the specific bacteria is susceptible to. The patient’s other health factors should also be considered.