Dermapathologist Questions Dermatologist

Unexplained itching?

I suddenly started itching three days ago--the soles of my feet were first and I thought they were just dry. Later that night my hands started to itch too. By the next day, my hands and feet were red, and keep experiencing recurring waves of severe itch. Then I experienced some itching spells in my armpits, groin, under breasts, and back of my neck, though all of those were not as severe. There are no bumps or rash symptoms except redness, some of which could be from scratching, though I am trying not to scratch! I have had a vague "PCOS" diagnosis before, though hormone levels were recently normal, and thyroid Graves disease, but it has been in remission and I get that checked too and it was normal. I just finished a course of generic Accutane in January and am trying to recover from that--the last month, it raised my blood sugar, and I am concerned about my liver, though again, at the last lab check, it was still okay.

Female | 42 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days

1 Answer


Itching can be caused by a number of factors including allergies. If itching persists despite taking Claritn, Zyrtec, or Allegra, a visit to your dermatologist is prudent. Btw: Accutane has no effect on blood sugar, and your liver should be fine. 

Steve Schleicher, MD
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