Rheumatologist | Rheumatology Questions

Unexplained low grade temperature

I am experiencing joint pain in all joints. It isn’t severe, but very achy. I also have fatigue and low grade temp off and on for about 2 months. I have a slight red rash on my cheeks. I have a normal CBC. Could I have something autoimmune going on with a normal cbc?

Female | 50 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: Metformin, lisinopril, lexapro, meloxicam
Conditions: Diabetes, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure

1 Answer

Absolutely; most people who have autoimmune disease have a perfectly normal CBC. Labs like an ANA by IFA, RF, CCP, Sed Rate, CRP, HLA B27, and so on, will help identify possible autoimmune causes of your pain and facial rash. A thorough work-up including labs, X-Rays, and a physical exam will better help you get the answer you need.