Doctor Questions Doctor

Unknown swelling?

I currently have swelling in my legs and today my scrotum swelled up and I've also have had diarrhea. This has been going on for 3 weeks. Can someone tell me what is going on?

27 years old
Complaint duration: 21
Medications: None
Conditions: None other than my problem

7 Answers

Almost impossible to say because you didn't give enough information but most certainly you need to see a doctor very soon.
Swelling in legs and scrotum can be causes by liver disease, kidney disease and congestive heart failure. Basic labs are needed ( kidney function, liver functio, and if normal, a heart ultrasound/ echo is needed)
You need to have a full evaluation by a primary care physician. It's not possible for me to diagnose you without a lot more information.
Go see your doctor.
Do not ignore this.
Please go to your Dr or any urgent care clinic right away.
You seem to be losing protein, mainly Albumin. Please see a physician right away.
You should be evaluated promptly. You could have a kidney or heart problem.