OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Vaginal Itchiness?

I've been experiencing vaginal itching on and off for a couple of days now and I'm not sure what it could be. The itching isn't too bad but when it comes, it's quite uncomfortable. It's more on the clitoral hood than anything else and earlier today I noticed tiny white specs in my pubic hair. To be honest, I think it might be the way I have been masturbating. I do it on the floor of the bathroom shower, rubbing my parts again. Sometimes I'll also use a shower head. Could I have pubic lice? I'm pretty sure my sister is sexually active and we use the same shower. I'm afraid of that. My period is late as well and I've never had sex. I don't think I have any symptoms of yeast infection besides the itchiness so I don't think it could be that and I took a baking soda bath today which didn't help much. What should I do? Should I wait a couple more days to see if the itchiness subsides? Should I make an appointment with my doctor? Please get back to me asap. Thanks!

Female | 15 years old
Complaint duration: Couple Days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

Try Epsom salt baths and you can try over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone cream and miconazole 2% cream as a combination. Apply to the area where it itches, twice a day. Stop masturbating for a few weeks until you feel better. It is a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor if this does not help.
Take care!