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Was my ex ODing

I am custodial parent and believe my ex may have been ODing in front of my 10 year old daughter! On her weekend with our daughter, my daughter found her mother in floor unable to get up, in and out of Consciousness, pin point pupils, throwing up in floor, and unable to swallow. In laws called ambulance, while waiting they all took turns trying to keep her awake, including putting her in shower. Medics were going to let her stay home if she could swallow water but she could not so they transported. I know this is not the norm here but I need a medical opinion. She has a long history of drug abuse (cause of divorce), and her drugs of choice have been meth, heroine, methadone, and pills. I feel like she was ODing and my daughter is at risk. Please, I need a medical opinion!

Female | 38 years old
Medications: ?
Conditions: ?

1 Answer

Based on the information provided, it is hard to tell and take a medical decision because there is many missing information that needed before giving any medical opinion or advice. Any clinical setting we need further information like lab work including urine drug screening and clinical examination by health professionals. Overall, from what you said, patient went to the hospital and all medical aspects should have been assessed and discussed.