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What are my options?

I had an accident a few years back in my left eyebrow and for some reason, I didn't do stitches. A few years later, this is how it looks. It is very noticeable and I want to know my options. I want the scar gone and I want hair in its place, what are my options?

Male | 31 years old

4 Answers

Hello, sorry to hear about your accident. Good news is you have several options. First, we can excise the scar and close it so that you may have a smaller and less noticeable incision. Secondly, we can do hair transplant around the scar to cover it up. This should get you both of your desired outcomes.
The scar can be revised with considerable improvement under local anesthesia.
Based on your somewhat blurred photo. You can have a scar revision to have the scar cut out and suture the hair to hair skin together. The simple procedure which can be done in the office under local anesthesia.
Thanks for the question. It would have been helpful to send not only your zoomed-in photo but a scout view of your entire face to see how the scar is relative to your whole facial aesthetic. I would not beat yourself up over the fact that your laceration was not sutured. Brow lacerations are very forgiving, and your scar may very well have healed similarly had it been sutured up. This area is very tricky to revise or improve upon. Scars cause alopecia in hair-bearing areas. Depending on the age of the scar, some topical treatments such as minoxidil (Rogaine) might help minimize further hair loss, but it will not help regrow hair very well.