“What are the REAL risk factors of having chemo done?”
Damage to kidneys (same question as above^)
Damage to heart? (same question as above^^) Percentage of patients that have their first heart attack and/or heart failure after having chemo with no prior heart complications?
Percentage of chemo patients that get infections that lead to fatality after receiving chemo?
Lastly, if there there is only a (>15%) of chemo actually helping to slow down cancer is it worth getting chemo compared to the potential risk factors that actually may hasten cases of death?
Why is such a toxic for of medication therapy even recommended for people to get if the chances of benefit is only at (>15%) compared to the probably much higher chance of something horrible happening that will most likely lead to the patient's death at a faster rate than potential cancers they may or may not get if they do not get chemo?
So, basically, my family member is going to have a toxic chemical found out to rarely help cancer during WW2 from the mustard nerve gas for a chance of (85% or less) of actually working.
I think it's just because the doctors receive money for prescribing these treatments and then do not actually care about the patients health. I've read studies that prove chemo only stops cancer 2-4% of the time, meaning that 96-98% of the time it does not work.
Conditions: Breat cancer