Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

What are the different treatment options for sinusitis?

I have sinusitis. What are the different treatment options for sinusitis?

2 Answers

Treatment options depend on symptoms. If it is a viral infection the symptomatic treatment with an antihistamine and a nasal spray may be all that is needed. These are usually short duration. If it is bacterial than an antibiotic may necessary and an a steroid may be indicated For more chronic infections a surgical approach may be indicated
That word has different meanings to different people. The only way you can know if you have sinusitis is by x-ray, but depending on what symptoms you have and how long youve had them, the recommendations will vary. if youve had the symptoms for only a few days, you most likely have a viral, respiratory infection, which has no treatment other than Passage of time. I would have to know all the details of your case to give you any worthwhile advice.
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