“What are the most visible signs and symptoms of a gum disease?”
We are a family of 4, with 2 adults and 2 children. As a mother the thought of oral infections and diseases scares me. Hence, are there ways to identify a gum disease early? What are the most common signs and symptoms to watch out for as far as oral health of the entire family is concerned?
32 Answers
Bleeding gums are often the first visible sign of gum disease. You can have an infection and have no pain associated with the infection until the infection is in it's advanced stage. Thus, it's important to have regular dental visits and check ups, that way problems can be found early and addressed.
Thank you for the great question.
The gum disease comes with the following symptoms - bleeding, swollen gums, redness. These signs can be identified at the time of your dental cleaning procedure which has to be performed twice a year unless there is a previous history of gum disease or a periodontal disease which usually means that there is some bone loss.
I hope this help.
The gum disease comes with the following symptoms - bleeding, swollen gums, redness. These signs can be identified at the time of your dental cleaning procedure which has to be performed twice a year unless there is a previous history of gum disease or a periodontal disease which usually means that there is some bone loss.
I hope this help.
Bleeding gum and bad breath often is a sign of gum disease. Practice good oral hygiene and see a dentist or dental hygienist yearly is the best way to keep teeth for life.
Since oral diseases are quite varied and can be anything from simple gingivitis to complex oral cancers, the best way to avoid unexpected problems is to keep up regular maintenance hygiene and exam appts with a good general dentist - we are trained to diagnose and treat oral conditions and diseases which can be difficult for the average person to detect.
Bleeding gums when you brush, deposits on your teeth that can't be removed by normal brushing, swollen gums.....your dentist should be able to advise you of your periodontal condition.
The most common sign of gum deseas is inflammation of gum tissue. Bleeding gum. And discomfort upon brushing your teeth.
There are some signs to look for event though they may not be very obvious to a dental professional. This is why we recommend visits to your dentist twice a year. Signs to look for: bleeding gums, redness or puffy gums. A dental exam with radiography and periodontal exam is necessary.
The first sign of gum disease is bleeding, usually while brushing & flossing. This is an indication that there is inflammation, which is the first stage of gum disease. However, bleeding does not always indicate disease; it could result from a minor injury. The best thing to do is be evaluated by your family dentist for an accurate assessment.
The best way to know the signs, symptoms and most importantly - PREVENTION of gum disease is to have regular 6 month check-ups at your trusted family dental office. A dentist or hygienist has the tools to screen and ensure the health of all of the supporting tissues in your mouth.
The first sign of gum disease (gingivitis) is red, bleeding gums. It is not normal to spit blood after brushing or flossing.
The first sign of gum disease (gingivitis) is red, bleeding gums. It is not normal to spit blood after brushing or flossing.
HI there,
The most common sign is bleeding gums...the other signs do require a closer look, but also include (not limited to) - rolled out borders adjacent to teeth, dark red color rather than a pink hue. Brushing and flossing is the best prevention. Hope this helped.
The most common sign is bleeding gums...the other signs do require a closer look, but also include (not limited to) - rolled out borders adjacent to teeth, dark red color rather than a pink hue. Brushing and flossing is the best prevention. Hope this helped.
The easiest way to assess the presence of gum disease is to get a complete examination including a periodontal examination at a dentist. Bleeding or puffy gums can be an initial sign that things may be going wrong.
The early symptoms of gum disease is redness of gum, tenderness of gum and bleeding when you brush or floss. In other words your gum is not pink anymore.. It get irritated and red.
Sam Namdarian DMD
Sam Namdarian DMD
There are several important steps including poor hygiene that lead up to eventual periodontal disease loss of bone around the teeth and the eventual loss of the teeth as we get older irrespective of any infection that may occur due to a cavity. The easiest way to minimize the long-term results of neglect is to maintain routine 6 month check ups with your dentist at which time the hygienist will apply a disclosing solution and point out areas where additional effort needs to be applied to cleaning plaque off the teeth. This will result in less overall bacteria in the mouth that leads to calculus formation sometimes called tartar that the dentist needs to curette more aggressively to avoid periodontal disease. A disclosing solution can be purchased at any pharmacy which will help stain and highlight areas of plaque between Dental visits. These habits instilled with your family will yield the longest term benefits for better dental health.
Most common early signs are red, swollen and bleeding gums while brushing. It might cause a feeling of itchiness in gums too and eventually loose teeth.
Gingivitis is the most common form of gum disease and affects 3 out of 4 people to some degree. The good news is that it is completely reversible. Plaque, or what we now call biofilm, accumulates daily at the gumline and in between teeth. If it is not mechanicallly removed via brushing and flossing, it can cause inflammation of the gums and subsequent bleeding, puffy and painful gums. If you notice red (healthy gums are coral pink in color) bleeding gums, try to brush the affected area even though they may bleed. After a night or 2, you should start seeing improvement.
Periodontitis or Periodontal Disease is gum and bone infection that is caused by the build-up of bacteria around one's teeth above and below the gumline. This accumulation of bacteria in the form of plaque (soft) or tartar (hard stone like material) causes the body’s immune system to attack one's gums and bone, leading to inflammation of one's gums and the alveolar bone dissolving away.
Signs and symptoms are related to the stage of periodontal disease and can include bad breath or taste, swollen or bleeding gums, and eventually tooth mobility. Please see my website at the link below for a more detailed explanation of periodontal disease and the sign/symptoms associated with each stage.
Signs and symptoms are related to the stage of periodontal disease and can include bad breath or taste, swollen or bleeding gums, and eventually tooth mobility. Please see my website at the link below for a more detailed explanation of periodontal disease and the sign/symptoms associated with each stage.
Gum disease can be symptom free but one of the signs of early gum disease is bleeding while flossing or brushing. Healthy gums do not bleed. The easiest way to prevent gum disease is to see a dentist regularly.
The first sign of gum disease which starts as gingivitis is bleeding gums and fortunately it is reversible and is followed by periodontitis in which there is bone loss which is not reversible regular exams and cleanings every 6 months with the dentist should be done to monitor for gum disease thanks
There is only one sign of “early” gum disease, and that is
Bleeding gums. If ignored, gums would start to get
Swollen we call “gingivitis”, and that would be the start of gum disease.
There is only one sign of “early” gum disease, and that is
Bleeding gums. If ignored, gums would start to get
Swollen we call “gingivitis”, and that would be the start of gum disease.
The most visible sign of gum disease in children and adults is bleeding
gums. Occasionally gums may bleed because of trauma (e.g. cutting the gums
when flossing too hard), however, most of the time, gums that bleed are a
sign of inflammation or gingivitis. Incidentally patients that smoke have
constricted blood vessels in their mouths and may not have this sign of
inflammation present despite the presence of gum disease. Swelling and
pain could also be symptoms of gum disease. In any case, it is a very good
idea to make sure an oral health provider assesses the mouth to help with
diagnosis and treatment.
gums. Occasionally gums may bleed because of trauma (e.g. cutting the gums
when flossing too hard), however, most of the time, gums that bleed are a
sign of inflammation or gingivitis. Incidentally patients that smoke have
constricted blood vessels in their mouths and may not have this sign of
inflammation present despite the presence of gum disease. Swelling and
pain could also be symptoms of gum disease. In any case, it is a very good
idea to make sure an oral health provider assesses the mouth to help with
diagnosis and treatment.
Redness and soreness of the gum tissue.
Bleeding when brushing and flossing.
Bad breath
A white film on the teeth and gums.
The gums shrinking down and showing the root surfaces of the teeth.
The papillae ( pointed tissue between the teeth) are flat and spaces have developed there.
Bleeding when brushing and flossing.
Bad breath
A white film on the teeth and gums.
The gums shrinking down and showing the root surfaces of the teeth.
The papillae ( pointed tissue between the teeth) are flat and spaces have developed there.
The most visible signs of Gum disease are swelling and bleeding. Untreated, gingivitis may progress to periodontitis. At this stage there is significant risk of tooth loss if treatment is not initiated on time. We could add bad breath on the list of symptoms as well. However, there are many other causes for bad breath.
The biggest sign of early gum disease is bleeding when brushing and flossing. If you see "pink" or "red" when you rinse your mouth after brushing or flossing, you have gingivitis--the earliest form of gum disease. You should see your dentist for a complete examination and oral hygiene instruction to you can take good care of your mouth. Once at your dentist, he or she should do periodontal probing-a measurement of the pocket depths around your teeth. Normally the depths should be less than three millimeters. If they are deeper than five millimeters, you should see a periodontist for more comprehensive treatment. Depths in excess of five millimeters usually indicate bone loss around the teeth. Also, if you have gum recession and can see the roots of your teeth, the yellower part of the tooth close to the gum line, that is also a sign that you have gum disease and bone loss. Get into the habit of flossing at least once a day and brushing at least twice a day and that should keep your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime.
The first sign of gum trouble is bleeding when you floss or brush. The bleeding is not because you are cutting your gums but because your gums are inflamed. Gingivitis, your fed or bleeding guns, is reversible by effectively removing the plague adhering to the surface of your teeth. The real problem arises from allowing gingivitis to fester and eventually leading to pockets between your tooth and gum which causes bone loss around the tooth. Hope this helps. Dr Thomas Reinhard
Bad Breath, bleeding gum, pain and discomfort, red gum, teeth mobility and sensitivity, and receding gum. Get into habit of looking inside your children's mouth and detect and possible issues in advance. take your children for dental exam, many problems only will be detected by xrays.
Some of the signs and symptoms are pain, swelling, redness, tenderness and many other signs. Regular visits to the dentist and good oral hygiene will prevent any infection.
Usually, bleeding and bad breath are good signs to determine gum disease. However, gum disease is a silent infection, but a dentist can catch it early, therefore I would suggest to keep your regular dental checkups and let the dentist monitor you for any type of infection.
It is good to be concerned with oral infections as they can cause pain, tooth loss, and other problems. All diseases in the mouth are pain free at first. The best ways to control dental problems is good old-fashioned brushing and flossing and seeing your dentist regularly.
Gum disease is usually first detected by seeing blood in your sink after brushing or flossing. If you bleed after you clean your teeth, floss more and see your dentist. Avoid sugary diets and sugar habits such as sipping on soft drinks. Also, it is a good idea not to share tooth pastes between family members as colds and other infections can be spread from one toothbrush to another from the tube of toothpaste.
Gum disease is usually first detected by seeing blood in your sink after brushing or flossing. If you bleed after you clean your teeth, floss more and see your dentist. Avoid sugary diets and sugar habits such as sipping on soft drinks. Also, it is a good idea not to share tooth pastes between family members as colds and other infections can be spread from one toothbrush to another from the tube of toothpaste.
“Bleeding gums”, upon brushing or touching. Important for your family is keeping periodical appointments with your dentist for early detection of oral problems.
Bleeding on brushing or flossing...non pink gum tissue,purplish is bad...bad breath...loose gum tissue at the gum line....
Bleeding is the primary symptom.
Bleeding is the primary symptom.