“What are the problems with partial dentures?”
I have a few missing teeth. I want to replace them with partials. What are the problems with partial dentures?
4 Answers
the problems are fit, and cosmetics. They also can damage other teeth that the partial anchors to. But if finances are limited , this is a great choice to replace that smile.
Partial dentures can have some drawbacks, including decreased stability compared to dental implants or fixed bridges, potential discomfort or irritation, difficulty chewing certain foods, and the need for periodic adjustments as the mouth changes over time. It's best to consult with a dentist to discuss your specific situation. Thank you for your question and good luck!
RPD’s were popular 20-30 yrs ago. Yes, they do move when you eat or speak and can add more stresses to the remaining teeth that retain the appliance. Today the state of the art tooth replacement options are dental implants.
If you have enough bone support AND can afford dental implant tooth replacement, that is the better option for you. Good luck!
Dr J Doundoulakis, prosthodontist, Greenwich CT
If you have enough bone support AND can afford dental implant tooth replacement, that is the better option for you. Good luck!
Dr J Doundoulakis, prosthodontist, Greenwich CT
There are no problems with partial denture per se. As long as they are made well, fit well, function well and you are able to speak and smile normally, partial dentures can work very well. The good thing is also that if it does not work, it is a removable appliance that can be taken out and you can opt for something else.