“What are the symptoms of an infected root canal?”
I am a 22 year old male. I want to know what are the symptoms of an infected root canal?
7 Answers
Usually pain and swelling. Sometimes a bad smell. It may be painful to eat or touch. If infected, antibiotics and pain medication will be required. Sometimes retreatment is required.
Throbbing pain, fever, pain, severe sensitivity to bite, and change of temperature. IF the tooth is non-vital, no pain at all.
Hello! Most of the the time but not always you would have pain, swelling, temp would aggravate the tooth, biting on the offended tooth may cause pain and last but not least the tooth may become loose if this is a long standing infected tooth
The signs that a tooth is infected (whether it already has a root canal or not) are swelling, pain, and the skin around that area feeling warm. You may also develop a small pocket of infection, which is visible on your gums. This may appear to look like a pimple or an abscess on the tissue near that tooth. When you are having these symptoms you should schedule an appointment ASAP so that we can evaluate the tooth. Left untreated that infection can spread, so don't delay!
The infected root canal might not show any symptoms. It might show up on Xray as a shadow at the root tip. Sometimes, there are symptoms such as swollen gums, facial swelling or pain to chewing or a constant ache or pressure feeling in the infected tooth.
Some possible symptoms of a tooth with an infected root include pain to biting, pressure, swelling, loose tooth, dull ache, radiating pain or spontaneous pain. However, it is also possible for an infected root to completely asymptomatic, so it's complicated.
The symptoms of an infected root canal range from severe pain and swelling to no symptoms at all. Symptoms tend to come and go intermittently. Most infections begin with pain to pressure on the tooth or pain when pressing along the gum. More advanced infections with have a painful swelling or a bubble that appears on the gums.