Psychologist Questions Psychologist

What are the symptoms of psychological stress?

I am a 28 year old male. I want to know what are the symptoms of psychological stress?

6 Answers

Symptoms include irritability, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, muscle tension, and difficulty concentrating.
Physical and emotional tension and possibly physical symptoms as well.
Many people handle stress differently. For some individuals, stress takes hold of their body in terms of muscle aches and pains, headaches, higher heart rates than normal, sweating, etc. Others have difficulty sleeping, become more irritable and agitated, and possibly panicky. Other individuals may have difficulty with concentrating and focusing. There are many, many options to the treatment of stress. Talking with a psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist would give you personalized treatment options to help modulate the stress and decrease it.

Lance Steinberg, MD, Inc.
Insomnia and irritability, anxiety and sometimes depression.
There are many symptoms. Sometimes emotional stress can appear as a “medical” issue. A person many have nausea, chest pains, “heavy” legs and multiple others symptoms. However - always go to the doctor or ER to determine the root of the distress. Once all medical issues are ruled out (cleared) you could benefit from therapy. Perhaps may even benefit from very low dose antidepressant to help with the distress until coping skills and medical issues are addressed.
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