Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

What can I take for a throbbing pain after a root canal?

I have throbbing pain after a root canal. What can I take for a throbbing pain after a root canal?

3 Answers

I buprophen is anti inflammatory so that should be good
You can alternate ibuprofen/Advil 400mg or prescription 600mg with two extra strength Acetaminophen/Tylenol =2x500mg.every 3 hours. Exampleat 12pm take 600mg Ibuprofen then at 3pm take 1000mg Acetaminophen. Then at 6pm take 600mg Ibuprofen. And so on
If your medical condition allows, you can take ibuprofen or Tylenol for pain. Or, you can contact your dentist and ask for a prescription strength pain killer.