“What can dentists do for receding gums?”
I have gum recession and want to fix it. What can dentists do for receding gums?
5 Answers
There are multiple reasons why patients get recession. Each reason or combinations of reasons will determine what treatment is used. However, the longer treatment is delayed the less likely it is to achieve full root coverage.
Some general dentist can provide treatment with receding gums or a periodontist is a specialist that will treat gum recession.
There are a variety of procedures to stop gum recession and to even reverse it to cover exposed roots
You should be evaluated by a periodontist. You may need gum grafting. That involves transplanting gum tissue from one place to another. The periodontist can use the roof of your mouth as the donor site. Sometimes the periodontist will use human freeze-dried skin for the donor tissue like what is used for a burn patient. You may also be a candidate for the Chao Pinhole grafting. See your local periodontist.
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