Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

What can you do to manage your diabetes?

I am 19 years old and have diabetes type 2. What can you do to manage your diabetes?

4 Answers

Try to lose excess weight. Eat your meals at the same time everyday and not skip a meal and do some form of exercise daily. This is the basic start in treating Type 2 diabetes. Medications may be needed. See your doctor.
Asking the question is a good indication that you care. You aren’t in denial which is the most dangerous mix. Denial and diabetes is the worst.
I would get a continuous monitor and make sure my glucose levels were less than 100 before meals and less than 140 1 hour after a meal.
Impulse control is critical. Good impulse brings happiness and an easy life. Poor impulse control brings misery.
I have no more data or information about yourself so that’s all I can advise.
Best Dr. Paul Norwood
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The goal is to eat less sugar or carbohydrates. That will help to improve your blood sugars in diabetes.

Thank You,

Libu Varughese

Diet and exercise are the most important part of the treatment. Then compliance with the medications prescribed by your doctor.