Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What can you give a toddler with a sore throat?

My toddler son has a throat infection. What can you give a toddler with a sore throat?

3 Answers

Tylenol or motrin for pain - cool fluids - honey on a spoon since he is older than 12 months - a vaporizer by the bedside so he is breathing moist air during his sleep - all these things are soothing till the throat infection passes
First, we need to establish if he has an infection. When this is the case at that age, the most common cause is a virus and the treatment will be fluids and Tylenol. If it's not fever, then the most common cause is allergies and treatment will be a combination of an anti allergic with Tylenol, which I prefer over Advil in those cases because it's more gentle on the stomach.
If the sore throat persists have them checked by a doctor who will examine his neck to see if he has swollen lymph nodes which indicate an infection which could be viral or bacterial and a throat culture could help to distinguish between the two.