Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What causes back misalignment?

I am a 44 year old female. I want to know what causes back misalignment?

9 Answers

Back misalignment can be caused by bad posture, poor lifting mechanics, repetitive injuries or accidents.
Hi there, improper sleeping positions can cause you to wake up with an upper neck ache. Sometimes having double pillows causes a stretching of the upper neck muscles leading to a spasmodic-type feeling or stiffness. This can occur laying on the back. If you try using one pillow versus two it can help alleviate some of the muscle soreness upon waking. Laying on the left side is best, with a pillow between the knees, and on the back is second in my opinion. Always remember doing proper stretching techniques after awakening is a key component in relieving pain and stress. Hear a few tips to help! Dr. J

Here’s some pain cream I recommend to my patients regularly for soreness and pain also. Hope this helps.
We consider injury to the back as the main cause. You may have sustained to fall in your younger years. You may have lifted something too heavy that causes a muscle strain that caused the joints to lock up and you don't realize it. I have been involved in a minor car accident that caused some Restricted movement.
Most common, accident or injury, prolonged slouching at the computer, poor diet, lack of exercise, stress.
A back misalignment can be from anything you do during the course of your daily activities. From bad posture, sitting too much, lifting, and or carrying the wrong way.
Trauma, bad posture, and repetitive daily activities.
The activities that we perform in our daily life can cause the spine to become misaligned. For example: Too much sitting/not enough movement, too much movement/repetitive trauma, poor posture, poor diet, dehydration. The spine can also become misaligned from direct or indirect physical trauma as well as emotional/mental trauma.
Life! If you don't have your spine evaluated with x-ray biomechanics then continued poor sitting, standing and movement posture will continue to contribute. Increase stress like sports injuries, slips and falls and car crashes accelerate spinal and ligament pathology and contribute to back misalignment. Look up to find a practitioner that can properly evaluate your spine and provide you with proof driven therapies.
Physical trauma, bad posture, emotional stress, nutritional imbalances with minerals or dehydration.