“What causes high kidney function levels?”
I have high kidney function levels. Is it serious? What could be the cause?
7 Answers
When you say that you have kidney levels high. Are you referring to your glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and creatinine? Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) greater than 60 or higher is the normal range. GRR lower than 60 may mean kidney disease. GFR 15 or lower may mean kidney failure. There are urine tests, Dipstick urine test, Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) which compares albumin to creatinine in your urine. Blood tests, Serum creatinine, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), Blood Urea Nitrogen, Blood test, Imaging, and others. Now, there are multiple reasons for increase GFR and creatinine. They are drug toxicity, kidney infection, diabetes, glomerulonephritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney failure etc. Thank you.
high protein diet, muscle break down, dehydration some antibiotics such as sulfa drugs and H2 blockers can cause increase levels and kidney disease as well there are other causes as well.
May I assume that you have actual lab test numbers for your kidney function ( e.g. BUN and creatinine)? If so what exactly are these numbers?
David Gordon, M.D.
David Gordon, M.D.
Depends on which test you are referring to. One test can be overall body function, and the other is related to the kidneys such as infection, tumor, and failure.
You need evaluation by a kidney specialist. Yes, it is serious, and seriousness depends on the level of rise of creatinine, the drop in GFR and whether or not there is protein in the urine. My advice is see your doctor, and if there is a reduction in kidney function, you and your PCP need to decide if you need to see a kidney specialist.