Neurologist Questions Neurologist

What do you think about my diagnosis?

I’m not sure how I feel about my diagnosis because this is all so new to me and I literally just learned about TIA a little over two weeks ago. Curious if anyone here has any input. Saturday, May 22nd (mid-morning) I had just got done feeding my chickens when I saw a horizontal flash/lightning streak in my right eye. The streak faded and what was left was blurry vision in just half of my right eye. I didn’t say anything to anyone until the next evening (Sunday). Saw my eye doctor on Monday, and he found a cotton wool spot and thought maybe that I had a BRAO. He wanted me to be seen right away by a specialist but it turned out that there was a conference happening and all of the “big time” eye specialists were away that day. So I got in at 7:50 am Tuesday morning with a specialist who did a more advanced scan and found two cotton wool spots. He asked about my history and did another scan. He said that I needed to go to the ER to be monitored for a possible stroke. He believed that I had a TIA to cause the vision loss. So I was directly admitted to the hospital and had an MRI and CT Scan, both with/without contrast and they were negative. They did a TEE type of heart scan while asleep. They found a PFO in my heart. So the Hospital diagnosis is a TIA and PFO and high cholesterol. I have doctor's appointments every week in June. I’m thankful they found all this and that I was given this opportunity to turn my health around. But I still feel confused. I genuinely feel healthy. I guess it’s hard to believe that I had that. I’m 31. I do not have high blood pressure or diabetes. I have very low blood pressure. Anyways, I know this doesn’t help anyone. I just needed to share this and see if anyone had any input or experienced anything similar. I have a 4, 3, & 2 year old and the thought of not being healthy and strong for them is getting me down lately.

Female | 31 years old
Medications: Lipitor, Aspirin, Armadifinil
Conditions: TIA, PFO, High Cholesterol

3 Answers

Your diagnosis of TIA and PFO and High Cholesterol at age 31 is concerning. I would see either a neurologist and/or an internist/hematologist to see why you had a TIA as well as a cardiologist for the PFO. I am not sure why you are on armadifinil, but sleep apnea is a risk factor for stroke. I am sure they told you of the other risk factors for stroke such as smoking and weight and alcohol use and high-fat diet and lack of exercise. I am glad you are on aspirin and lipitor, but I would try to find out why you had a TIA such as an autoimmune disorder or blood disorder. You can get more information on the American Stroke Association page at

Michael J. Olek, DO

After reading your summary, a PFO can often manifest as an initial presentation with a TIA or a stroke, particularly in a young person under the age of 50. In your case, it seems like a TIA was the case, which is the better scenario. Stay on the aspirin and follow up with a Cardiologist for the PFO treatment and follow up.This seems to be the primary cause of the TIA's in your case. If not monitored closely and properly treated, it can lead to a stroke, which can lead to permanent neurological damage. Make sure you follow up with all your scheduled appointments and determine what are the best treatment options for you so that you can stay healthy and strong for your little ones.  
Good Luck. 

Dr. F. 
The diagnosis here at this age appears to be PATENT FORAMEN OVALE that is almost certainly the cause of the emboli that created the visual symptoms. A cardiological evaluation should be made to see if this has to be closed if it is necessary, which could be without open cardiac surgery and with cardiac catheterization. If this is not thought to be necessary, aspirin daily should be given.   

J. Lotfi