“What do you think about my diagnosis?”
Female | 31 years old
Medications: Lipitor, Aspirin, Armadifinil
Conditions: TIA, PFO, High Cholesterol
3 Answers
Michael J. Olek, DO
After reading your summary, a PFO can often manifest as an initial presentation with a TIA or a stroke, particularly in a young person under the age of 50. In your case, it seems like a TIA was the case, which is the better scenario. Stay on the aspirin and follow up with a Cardiologist for the PFO treatment and follow up.This seems to be the primary cause of the TIA's in your case. If not monitored closely and properly treated, it can lead to a stroke, which can lead to permanent neurological damage. Make sure you follow up with all your scheduled appointments and determine what are the best treatment options for you so that you can stay healthy and strong for your little ones.
Good Luck.
Dr. F.
J. Lotfi