“What do you wear for hip acupuncture?”
I will get hip acupuncture treatment. What do you wear for hip acupuncture?
16 Answers
I guess you have hip pain? It may be caused by many different reasons.
You may prepare with shorts. Depending on the condition you have, your acupuncturist can treat you from your hands and feet points. If their extremities are accessible, the practitioner is able to treat hip pain without having to put needles directly into the hip.
You may prepare with shorts. Depending on the condition you have, your acupuncturist can treat you from your hands and feet points. If their extremities are accessible, the practitioner is able to treat hip pain without having to put needles directly into the hip.
You always want to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes to your acupuncture sessions. Some patients feel more comfortable bringing their own shorts to change into for acupuncture on their hip but I also provide gowns. Often patients undress to the level of their under garments, put on a gown, and I will drape them with a sheet in order to get the points I need while protecting their modesty. Some patients don't want the gown and are comfortable just being in their underwear. I don't mind either way as my goal is to make the patient as comfortable as possible. Courtney Winter, L.Ac.
The acupuncturist will most likely have you wear a gown or derobe and cover you with a sheet or a towel.
Your practitioner should have some of gown available for your use. Wear comfortable loose separates to acupuncturist for best results
Good evening, I typically ask my patients to bring a pair of loose fitting shorts to change into for hip related Acupuncture treatments.
You can wear loose pants and short underwear. When you will get a treatment, a nurse will pull down your pants and underwear for hip acupuncture.
Lejla Fazlicic
You can wear loose pants that are easy to pull down.
Good luck
Dr. Leila
Good luck
Dr. Leila
I wouldn't necessarily assume your provider is going to need to get to your hip. In the acupuncture world, speaking very generally, there are two kinds of providers:
1. Those who will needle in the local area.
2. Those who will not needle in the local area.
For the most part, those who needle locally, are set up to deal with wardrobe issues. They may have disposable/paper clothing or gowns available along with extra sheets or blankets to cover you up. Those who don't needle locally won't have those things because they don't need them. I'm in the second camp - I almost never use local needles. There are a variety of ways to address hip issues without having to access the hip directly. I'd call and talk to your provider and see what their expectations are with regards to dress.
1. Those who will needle in the local area.
2. Those who will not needle in the local area.
For the most part, those who needle locally, are set up to deal with wardrobe issues. They may have disposable/paper clothing or gowns available along with extra sheets or blankets to cover you up. Those who don't needle locally won't have those things because they don't need them. I'm in the second camp - I almost never use local needles. There are a variety of ways to address hip issues without having to access the hip directly. I'd call and talk to your provider and see what their expectations are with regards to dress.