Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

What does it mean when the inside of your bone hurts?

I have pain inside my knee. What does it mean when the inside of your bone hurts?

2 Answers

The answer is it depends. There are a number of structures on the inside of the knee that can cause pain in addition to bone including cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. If the pain persists you should see your physician for further advice.
Thank you for sharing your knee issue with the FATD community. I am happy to share my thoughts, tips and suggestions regarding this issue.

The best way for me to understand the fine points of your inquiry, more information would be helpful. I am not sure if you had any trauma or injury to the knee. I am also unsure of your age. If you have had an injury to the knee in the past, there may be some inflammation ongoing in the knee, and this can cause a feeling of deep bone pain.

Young people whose bones are still growing can sometimes have some deep, achy pain ‘in their bones’. These can be referred to as growing pains. They usually resolve in time.

As a fully grown person, some inner bone pains can come from overuse or mild bruising of the bones just under the surface of the joint (where two or more bones come together to permit motion). Getting some rest and maintaining full range of motion can help alleviate the pains. Keeping the muscles around the knee strong will help minimize the recurrence of the pains.

I hope this helps.