Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What does spleen: no splenomegaly mean?

Spleen: No splenomegaly. What does this mean? Spleen is normal.

Female | 62 years old

9 Answers

The phrase "Spleen: No splenomegaly" means that there is no enlargement (hypertrophy) of the spleen. In medical terminology, "splenomegaly" refers to the abnormal enlargement of the spleen, which can be a sign of an underlying medical condition or illness.

When a healthcare provider mentions "Spleen: No splenomegaly" in a medical report or assessment, it indicates that, based on their examination or diagnostic tests, the spleen appears to be of a normal size and does not exhibit any enlargement or abnormalities. This is typically a positive finding as an enlarged spleen can be a sign of various medical conditions, including infections, liver disease, blood disorders, or certain cancers.

In the context of your health assessment, "Spleen: No splenomegaly" suggests that your spleen appears to be healthy and within the expected size range for a person of your age and sex. However, it's essential to discuss the results of any medical tests or examinations with your healthcare provider to understand their implications fully and receive any necessary recommendations or follow-up care.
Looks like someone answered spleen is not enlarged which means normal.
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Congratulations, your spleen is not abnormal, not swollen.
This means that the organ your spleen is a normal size. This organ is responsible for multiple functions in the body - filtering old blood cells from your circulation and helping to avoid infections by particular infections. Lots more about the spleen, but that’s good that it is not enlarged.
Yes, You are right. No Splenomegaly means that your spleen is normal.
The spleen is the organ that participates in hematologic and immune homeostasis, which is the physiological process that maintains a stable internal environment of the body. It is part of our body's lymphatic system, which helps remove cellular waste, maintain fluid balance, and make and activate infection-fighting white blood cells for the immune system. It is also responsible for making substances that play an important role in inflammation and healing. This organ is located in the left upper side of the abdomen and it is attached to the stomach and kidney via important ligaments. Also connected to the vascular and lymphatic system through splenic vein and artery. Possible causes of splenomegaly include, but are not limited to liver cirrhosis, heart failure, thrombosis, lymphoma, leukemias, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and sickle cell disease. A person without spleen needs specific vaccines to prevent infections. No splenomegaly means the spleen is normal in size and most of the time free of diseases of immune and hematologic systems. There are few exceptions when the function of the organ is decreased or at an early stage of disease.
Splenomegaly is a fancy way of saying “enlarged spleen.” “No splenomegaly” in a radiology report usually means the spleen is normal size and shape for a given person’s age/body size. And it’s a reassuring thing to see in a report!
Splenomegaly means large spleen. When a patient gets an ultrasound of her abdomen, the radiologist at all the abdominal organs' sizes and characteristics. "No Splenomegaly" in an ultrasound report means the spleen is of normal size.
Splenomegaly means enlarged spleen. If the report says no splenomegaly, then your spleen is normal in size.