Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What exercises to avoid with a shoulder impingement?

I have shoulder impingement. What exercises to avoid with shoulder impingement?

4 Answers

You need to do rotator cuff exercises; they are very specific. That is what you need to follow
Shoulder impingement often occurs when there is inflammation on or around the rotator cuff muscles and tendons (the soft tissue structures that help control and move your shoulder in so many different directions). This inflammation can be due to short or long term tendinitis, a small or large rotator cuff tear, or other structural abnormality like arthritis or degeneration in the tissues, bones, or cartilage in the shoulder region. It even can be due to a functional imbalance of the muscular strength and coordination about the shoulder girdle. Depending on the type of Impingement, certain exercises and positions can worsen or exacerbate the symptoms. Often, overhead exercises are problematic, but in other cases reaching across the body gives symptoms, yet in other cases reaching behind one's back brings on symptoms. The best treatment usually is to be seen and evaluated by physician specializing in this area like a Non-Surgical Sports Medicine Physician. The doctor will assess if physician directed exercises, medications, topical treaments, acupuncture, injections or even physical therapy are appropriate for your specific case. Contact Dr. Adam Redlich, M.D. at for an in-person or virtual appointment to discuss.
Focus more on stretching the shoulder muscles than exercising them. I would keep off weight bearing exercises till it heals.
Shoulder impingement are usually associated with rotator cuff issues. It depends on clinical and radiological exams and what to avoid. Please see your doctor to get an evaluation and advice.