“What happens if a diabetic child has low blood sugar at school?”
My 14 year old diabetic child sometimes has low blood sugar. What happens if a diabetic child has low blood sugar at school?
6 Answers
The school knows the problem and the nurse administers sugar. The point is not to allow that to happen by studying the causes and prevention of hypoglycemia with your physician.
Marvin A Leder MD FACP FACE
Marvin A Leder MD FACP FACE
I hope your child has a continuous monitor. This will allow constant monitoring and some sugar such as lifesavers, a sucker, etc., to avoid hypos or treat.
Most public schools have a school nurse. They usually have a plan to administer juice or carbohydrates if a child has a low blood sugar. If the child cannot respond they should call the paramedics. Don't take the advice of a random teacher or student. Paramedics don't mind being called as the out come of such visits is usually just fine. They can administer Intravenous dextrose (sugar) and have a rapid response.
You need to have a way to be reached or the doctor.
You need to have a way to be reached or the doctor.
If the child is able to swallow, give 4oz juice or soft drink and repeat x2. If unable, or if ineffective, administer glucagon (emergency kits are available at pharmacies and and should be in first aid kits or nurse's offices). If unavailable or there is uncertainty or change in alertness or consciousness, CALL 911.
The low blood sugar in 14yo even more dangerous than slightly elevated blood glucose. First it prevented by wright combination of long acting and short acting insulins by MD. Proper diet with snacks are very important. Also to have Glucerna shake or bar could be helpful.
He may feel dizzy, headaches, tremors, nausea, lightheaded, he may even pass out. Once the hypoglycemia is confirmed with a low blood sugar measured by finger stick, he must receive 15 grams of carbohydrates and check his blood sugar again in 15 minutes. If the blood sugar is still low, then repeat (rule of 15) until his blood sugar is normal. If the hypoglycemia episodes are frequent, please discuss with his pediatric endocrinologist to make the appropriate corrections of his insulin regimen.