Hematologist-Oncologist Questions Hematologic Disorders

What happens if iron levels are too high?

I was diagnosed with high iron levels. What happens if iron levels are too high? Should I see a doctor?

2 Answers

Ferritin is the storage molecule of iron and this should be measured, not serum iron. Increased levels of ferritin are seen in various inflammatory and malignant diseases and hereditary conditions of increased iron absorption called hemochromatosis. If the ferritin level is below 350, it is of little concern.
Typical iron panels include a variety of different measurements whose combination of values (rather than an individual value) helps predict whether iron levels are truly high or low. Some levels can be elevated in the setting of inflammation and do not accurately reflect iron. You should definitely discuss your abnormal lab levels with a doctor who can accurately interpret your results and determine whether further work-up is needed.