Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What happens if you don't correct astigmatism?

I was diagnosed with astigmatism. Is it serious? What happens if you don't correct astigmatism?

5 Answers

It's best to correct it, avoid blurry vision and headaches.
1.it is not dangerous 2. Nearly everyone has some degree of it as it translates into the state of the eye as not being perfectly round. 3. It can be compensation for merely by correct glasses
This is an excellent question. Astigmatism is a type of vision/refractive problem which is caused by how light or objects that you look at are focused in your eyes. It can be associated with nearsightedness or farsightedness, or it can exist on its own. A simple way to describe astigmatism is to think about a baseball and a football. A baseball is round and the measurements from the center of the baseball to the outer edges are all the same. In this case there is no astigmatism present. But a football has a different shape and the measurements from the center of the football to 2 locations will be different. In this case, there is astigmatism present. Contact lenses or glasses can correct the measurements for astigmatism.
So, astigmatism is not a disease or something bad. Many people have astigmatism including me. It can only be "serious" if your vision is so blurry that it affects your quality of life or your safety while working or when driving. If you do not correct astigmatism, your vision will be out of focus depending upon how much is astigmatism has been measured. Astigmatism can and will change with age. Your options are glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery. If you were already diagnosed with astigmatism, do your on-line research, speak to your eye doctor about your options, and hopefully you will be seeing the world in focus, as it should be. Good luck and best wishes
If it’s not corrected , it can cause problems with clarity in vision . You want to see clear at all times . And astigmatism can change also .
Thank you for your inquiry. Generally, astigmatism is not a serious condition to your overall health. It refers to a particular aspect of your prescription. If it is not corrected then it is likely that you would continue to have reduced vision.