“What happens to the spine during a chiropractic adjustment?”
I will have a spine adjustment next week. What happens to the spine during a chiropractic adjustment?
2 Answers
This is a great question and is one of the most frequently asked questions in all of chiropractic. Essentially the spine is misaligned or not in its correct position. Usually due to poor posture, poor ergonomics, or poor muscular strength. The spine moves leading to an increase of pressure on the nerves. The nerves go to different muscles, tissues, joints, and organs of the body. An increase in pressure on the nerve leads to an increase in muscle stiffness, joint tension, and even organ dysfunction. Now what surrounds the joint are fluid-filled spaces. The pressure within the joint increases the pressure due to the misalignment. The fluid-filled space protects the joint from constant friction and provides a gliding motion. When a chiropractor applies a High-Velocity Low Amplitude force or HVLA for short. They are essentially decreasing the pressure within the joint space, allowing fluid to move in and out of the joint creating a popping or cracking sound. With the decrease in pressure of the joint, the misalignment of the spine is corrected and movement is increased into the area. The nerve that was being compressed is now released and allows the connection between the muscles, joints, organs, and tissues to function more efficiently! Hope this answers your question! Sincerely, Christopher Wydler D.C.
Chiropractic is designed to help your spine restore the nervous system communication when it is blocked by one or more vertebrae out of line. The adjustment can be done by hand, an instrument, position, etc. Depending on the length of time that your spine had needed to be adjusted, how the misalignment occurred ( poor posture standing, sitting, sleeping, etc),your physical or non physical activity, your mental attitude ( the more positive you are helps the body to function better for you), trauma (any kind of accident, sports activity, accidently falling, slipping,etc.) and nutritionally. How much time you spend on your cell phone, computer, etc due to the nature of forward head carriage. Go to your chiropractic adjustment with an open mind, be prepared to speak directly to your chiropractor.