“What helps pain after jaw surgery?”
I will have jaw surgery. What helps pain after jaw surgery?
4 Answers
Matthew Bronk
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Marion, North Carolina
Ice for the first few days as well as staying on top of your pain meds. I truly believe that the combination (COMBO) of Ibuprofen (600mg) AND Tylenol (650mg) taken every 6 hours works amazingly well. In some cases I will also prescribe a very small amount (12 tabs) of Norco (10/325) for BREAKTHROUGH pain ONLY. For example: let's say your surgery is this Monday and your surgeon discharges you on Tuesday morning around 9 am, but you got some pain meds (a COMBO perhaps) around 6 am. You could then take another combo at noon, 6 pm and midnight. If you are young with good kidney function, you could take that last dose around 11 pm. For Breakthrough pain, you would take a Norco at 3 pm and 9 pm and one more if you wake up in the middle of the night in pain (but this is rare), say at about 2 am or so. Keep in mind that if you plan to drive a motor vehicle or operate ANY heavy machinery, you cannot take Norco within 6 hours of operation (ie if driving before 8 am, you can't take that 2 am dose). I hope this helps answer your question and my apologies for not getting to this question sooner. Dr Bronk
Strong Pain relief and ice bags that reduce the temperature that might initiate from P O pain or infection or etc
The answer to the question regarding pain relief following jaw surgery may be dependent upon several things. Specific surgery performed, as there are a number of procedures that are categorized under jaw surgery Individual tolerances and perception of pain. Depending upon the surgery performed as well as the surgeon performing the surgery there are a number of different options for controlling pain following surgery. The best advice would be to consult with the surgeon performing the surgery for recommendations.