Dentist Questions Dentist

What helps swollen gums after getting orthodontics?

My gums are swollen after getting orthodontic treatment. What should I do? What helps swollen gums after getting orthodontics?

6 Answers

normally the swelling will recede within two weeks after braces are removed. good oral hygiene and a Peridex rinse twice a day will help the recovery. you should get a cleaning after braces are removed
Good oral hygiene and a visit to your general dentist for regular cleanings and to your periodontist for deep cleanings
Floss a bunch, massage your gums with a wet toothbrush, no toothpaste, while watching TV or reading a book. You can also use salt water rinses and/or a cap full of Peroxide in a Dixie cup size amount of water
Good brushing and flossing for the first week followed by a cleaning with your dental hygienist. Then just continue the good home care and it should look a lot better within a few weeks.
Flossing and brushing and rinsing. Swelling is usually caused by bacteria that has been allowed to be under the gums, because the braces make it a little more difficult to keep gums and teeth as clean as they need to be to prevent infection.. The swelling is a sign of a low grade infection this can be increased by not flossing and brushing well just before bedtime. 6 weeks after the braces had been removed a cleaning by your dentist is recommended
Hi! Swollen gums are most often a result of inadequate flossing. Try to floss and water pick every night and watch fur improves. If you truly clean throughly and see no change, you could have nickel sensitivity and you should speak to your orthodontist about it.