“What helps with pain after a teeth cleaning?”
I am a 22 year old female. I want to know what helps with pain after a teeth cleaning?
3 Answers
That depends on the pain you are referring to. If it is sensitivity to cold which can occur if gums recede, then a desensitizing tooth paste can help with that. for other pain the best pain medicine is some form of ibuprofen if you can take that. Recommendation is 600mg every six hours for moderate to severe pain with acetaminophen as on bottle if needed. Recommendation is to take least possible to cover pain - if 400mg works just take that. If you can not take ibuprofen then acetaminophen alone.
Typically, there is not pain after a cleaning, unless you have had Root Planing for Periodontal Disease. Pain can be from mild tissue trauma or can result from exposed root surfaces, previously covered by Calculus (Tartar). For gum sensitivity, Ibuprophen would help. For root surfaces, use Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth until sensitivity disipates.