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What is causing my heartburn?

I am 22 years old. I'm having a lot of heartburn. I take omeprazole and I always have a lump feeling in my throat that comes and goes throughout the day. Now I smoke weed could this be the cause? I don't know what to do.

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 1year
Medications: omeprazole
Conditions: .

5 Answers

You probably need to take your omeprazole twice a day. Follow a bland diet raise the head of your bed and stop smoking weed. If no better after 4-6 weeks then an upper scope would be needed.
You need to see a gastroenterologist for endoscopy in addition to special X-rays. I suspect a diaphragmatic (hiatal) hernia.
Good luck.
Please control and check your diet. Mediterranean diet, absolutely no spices, less Pizza etc. periodically take Tums crush in your mouth and swallow with water.
You probably have a hiatal hernia with esophageal reflux. This can be fixed surgically. You need to be evaluated by a thoracic surgeon or gastroenterologist
Heartburn, or reflux, can be caused by many things, including smoking(tobacco,marijuana), alcohol,spicy foods. fried foods, drugs, other gastrointestinal conditions. The first thing you should do is stop smoking the weed. If your condition does not improve, then you need to see a doctor for diagnostic testing.