General Practitioner Questions Femoral Hernia

What is causing this chronic severe leg pain

(From knee to groin then into side and stopping at my stomach)

Pain so severe I eventually pass out from it. Nothing brings it on nothing makes it stop. It hurts mildy for 4 or 5 days in the front of my thigh. Getting a little more severe each day and going higher everyday until it's a constant severe pain. Severe not even being the word for it. Sweating and passing out it hurts so bad. This may last for a week or it has lasted up to a month before. Heat makes it worse. Once I pass out and wake up it's like nothing ever happened. Except my stomach muscles will feel like I did a million crunches for the first times ever. The pain I have feels like when I had a miscarriage. I'm 44 years old and my tubes are tied. Is it possible that I could have a blood clot trying to pass but it can't because of my tubes being tied? The pain is the exact same track the femoral artery follows. Please help.

Female | 44 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

This is indeed a queer set of symptoms. I do not think your pain issue has anything to do with your tied tubes, but since you bring it up, there could be a connection, but it is in your head, not in your body. What is your condition otherwise? Smoking? Drug abuse? Alchoholism? Battered wife? Getting enough exercise? Eating well? How are you sleeping? BMI?
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