Neurologist (Pediatric) Questions

What is it

I have been having constant headaches almost everyday know they are throbbing I have also been very dizzy and lightheaded recently and have had blurred vision on and off I have also passed out a few time and people have that sometimes without even being aware my eyes roll back and flicker

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: 5 months
Medications: Albuterol, salt tablets
Conditions: Asthmas, syncope

1 Answer

Good morning,
Dizziness and loss of consciousness can be due to something as simple as dehydration and not eating enough to something more complicated such as seizures. It is always important to check with your pediatrician. We look for red flags when we interview and examine the patients. They will decide if you need to be seen by a specialist and need any imaging to evaluate for something more serious.