“What is one advantage of using acrylic teeth instead of porcelain teeth in partial dentures?”
I am a 50 year old male. I want to know what is one advantage of using acrylic teeth instead of porcelain teeth in partial dentures?
2 Answers
Two advantages of acrylic teeth: They will stay bonded in the partial better than porcelain (meaning that you will have less incidents of a tooth coming off the partial); the other advantage is that acrylic is "kinder" to your opposing teeth, meaning your opposing teeth will fair better from a wear standpoint.
Great question! Porcelain teeth are much more expensive/heavier/durable, but if you have porcelain teeth on the opposing arch, it is best to keep materials the same to prevent undue wear/attrition. Sometimes people complain of hearing noise (clickity-clack) in their heads with porcelain teeth. Acrylic teeth are most popular today which create nice esthetics and masticatory function at a lesser expense!
Great question! Porcelain teeth are much more expensive/heavier/durable, but if you have porcelain teeth on the opposing arch, it is best to keep materials the same to prevent undue wear/attrition. Sometimes people complain of hearing noise (clickity-clack) in their heads with porcelain teeth. Acrylic teeth are most popular today which create nice esthetics and masticatory function at a lesser expense!